Looking for the best breathalyzer in Ghana to buy to control your workforce? Get all the best from Shopbeta online Mall and get it delivered. Home breathalyzers — much like, and in some cases the same, ones used by law enforcement during traffic stops — can be a great safeguard for safe driving when used appropriately. These devices essentially run an alcohol breath test, measuring the chemical composition of your breath to generate an estimate of your blood alcohol content (BAC).

What is a Breathalyzer Alcohol Test meter?
A breaththalyzer measures how much alcohol is in the air you breathe out. The device uses that measurement to estimate how much alcohol is in your blood. The best description of an alcohol tester is what we usually see by police at the scene of a road traffic accident, if a police officer suspects a motorist may be driving under the influence of alcohol.
How does Breathalyzer Alcohol Test meter work?
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What are the types of Breathalyzer Alcohol Test meter?
Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) is the term often used to describe the process of testing the concentration of alcohol in humans .The three most common type of testing alcohol content are:
Breath BAC
This is the common and easiest of all the test. as depicted from the name, the person is made to breath into the breathalyzer and the device gives a feed back in the form of numbers. Alcohol Test Meters are calibrated to display results after a test either in percentage or weight. Breathalyzers measure the alcohol that passes through alveoli air sacs as blood flows through vessels in the lungs, and is then expelled on a subject’s breath. Breathalyzer results, particularly those derived from fuel cell sensor breath tests, are considered sufficiently accurate.
Blood BAC
This test method requires a blood sample to be drawn and analysed. this method seems to be more accurate even though we cannot do away with laboratory errors.
Urine BAC
The urine sample from the suspect is taken and analysed to see compliance to regulation.Urine tests are less accurate than breath and blood tests, and tend to be used only when other tests are not available. Urine testing is also considered an intrusive testing method, similar to blood tests. Studies have shown that urine test results can be significantly higher or lower than the actual BAC in the blood.
Types of Breathalyzer in Ghana