Gin-Chia Health Benefits:

· Gin Chia with Maca can helps Boost Energy Levels and improve Sexual Performance in men and women
· Ginseng is known to have energy giving and healing properties. It contains 11 hormones like saponins.
· Ginseng is a powerful antioxidant and an antidepressant.
· Ginseng can help minimize Epileptic attack.
· Golden Chia contains oestrogen and can help menopausal discomfort.
· Gin-chia is being taken as supplement by men to improve their sexual condition.
· Ginseng is a legendary tonic, earning its name as the “King of Tonics.”
Gin Chia is a herbal supplement which combines two ancient herbs: the Western golden chia and Eastern ginseng. This powerful combination provides a revitalizing effect on your body to combat the toll a busy lifestyle can take.


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Forever Calcium Benefits and Information
Calcium is the major mineral that helps strengthen bones. Children and teenagers especially need adequate calcium in their diets, as the pre-teen and teen years are when they maximize the calcium storage in their bones, thus helping to prevent problems later in life involving a reduction in the amount of bone mass.
This is true because peak bone mass and calcium content of the skeleton is reached during the teen years. Teen especially, especially girls are a greater risk for developing weakened bones and having disabling injuries later in life.
Bone’s calcium begins to decrease in young adulthood, and progressive loss of bone calcium occurs as we age, particularly in women. Adequate dietary calcium can help minimize this loss.
A diet high in calcium appears to encourage the body to burn more fat and cuts the amount of new fat laid down by the body. For people who either cannot tolerate any lactose or do not like dairy products, Calcium supplements may be an option. The most effective is Calcium Citrate, because it dissolves easily in the stomach and is absorbed efficiently.
Other Benefits of Forever Calcium:
o The body for a normal blood circulation and nerve function needs a stable level of Calcium.
o Calcium is needed for muscles to function and to release hormones, including insulin.
o Calcium cannot be absorbed without vitamin D. It is best absorbed when taken with food.

forever arctic sea



Promotes Cardiovascular
It may help normalize triglyceride levels. It improves the health of your heart, brain.
It maintains your blood vessels.
It supports your nervous system.
It helps to maintain your healthy digestive system.
It helps to improve your immune system.
Forever Arctic Sea gives a great source of DHA for a healthy nervous system.
It maintains your gastrointestinal system, joints and muscles.
It optimises vital Fatty Acid.
I started taking Forever Arctic Sea fish oil like seven years ago. During that time I don’t feel the need of taking any fish oil, but since I read that it is good in removing bad cholesterol in my body, I started taking it every time I finish eating oily foods (still not on a daily basis).



Forever Garlic-Thyme Benefits – Natural Antibiotic
o Help expel worms in the intestine
o Natural Antibiotic and anti-bacterial
o Help prevent bad breath and body odor
o Helps prevent and cure digestive problems
o Helps prevent heart disease
o Has anti-aging properties

Garlic and Thyme, are the two powerful antioxidants found in Forever Garlic-Thyme, combine to create a great tool in maintaining good health. When garlic is cut or crushed, enzymes react to produce a powerful agent. Studies have shown that garlic’s compound help in the conversion fats to energy and protect the body against free radicals.

o Other healthy substances in this odorless soft gel include ajoene and lecithin, which can help emulsify fats.
o Garlic’s sulphur compounds have also been shown to have beneficial properties. Garlic also contains germanium, a mineral trace element believed to help boost the body’s immune system and selenium, a trace mineral antioxidant.

Thyme contains the antioxidants Tannin, Phenol and Thymol (saponins). Other beneficial nutrients contained in Garlic-Thyme are potassium, calcium, magnesium, B vitamins and vitamin C.



Forever Lite Ultra Chocolate – 15 Serving Pouch
Condition New
Forever Ultra – a delicious shake with full dignity soy protein,essential vitamins and minerals. Maximum nutrition and minimalcalories makes that it fits well as both meal replacement at weight control, as a snack, as a protein supplement after exercise or when you simply want something good. They may be mixed with semi-skimmed milk (or water). Choose between two great flavors: vanilla or chocolate.

Forever Ultra can replace up to two meals per. day. It works very well as breakfast, lunch, dinner and / or dinner. You canalso use the Ultra as a snack. A portion Forever Ultra containsonly about 200 kcal, but the high protein content makes it gives a good feeling of satiety. Thanks to the protein content orcs can train while you are replacing meals with Ultra. The protein also makes it easier for you to keep your muscle mass.


Original price was: ₵450.00.Current price is: ₵380.00.

Health Benefits of Forever Bee Honey
Internal Health Benefits of Forever Bee Honey :
o Can relieve constipation. Its natural fatty acids stimulate peristalsis and help establish regularity. Mix 1 Tbsp of fresh honey, and a juice of half lemon in a glass of lukewarm water, drink first thing in the morning.

o An ideal first aid for burns, wounds and open sores. Apply honey to open wound and let the application remain for several hours. It is claimed that honey is soothing and helps promote better healing.

o Improves the retention of calcium, which is needed for building strong nerves and strong bones.

o Very good for eye health.

o Pure honey contains lecithin which dissolves the cholesterol in the hearts blood vessels. When cholesterol gets thicker, supply of blood to and from the heart becomes limited, resulting in heart attack.

o When taken regularly can help strengthens the white blood cells to fight bacterial and viral diseases.

o Honey in warm milk can give relief to sore throats and cough; it can also give you a good night sleep.

o Help cure allergy.

o Excellent source of quick energy.

o Help relieve stomachache and heal ulcer. Just dilute 2 Tbsp in a glass of water and drink it once or twice a day.

o Help aid weight loss. Mix 1 Tbsp. of honey, 1 tsp. of lemon juice and 1 tsp. of apple cider vinegar to a glass of hot water, drink everyday for maximum effect.

o A daily intake of honey strengthens the immune system in children.

Forever 2 in 1 solution


Its a natural solution for men, that helps to
>Improves sexual performance
>increase energy level for longer sex duration
>increase sperm production
>proper blood flow and circulation for longer erection
>Improves libido

Naturally Effective with NO SIDE EFFECTS

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