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Carpets & Rugs
Decorate Your Space with Rugs and Carpets

Rugs and carpets are the foundation of every room, setting the tone for the design. Choosing rugs and carpets isn’t just an aesthetic decision, though it’s a practical one. We don’t live in a beige world, so why live in a space with no accents or details that catch the eye and make a room unique? Why not make your room a heaven on earth by choosing from our assortments of rugs and carpet available at best prices in Ghana.

Where to Buy Rugs and Carpets Online

Great and comfortable rugs and carpets make homes seem complete especially when kept clean and smart. Shopbeta offers a rich selection of carpets and rugs. This stunning range includes carpets for various uses. There are deluxe carpets for special living spaces and bathroom mats for keeping your foot from slipping on tiles. The assortment includes modern rugs with abstract imagery and branded quilted rugs for the brand conscious. These rugs and carpets alike are available in sizes small, medium, and large and they are perfect for your homes, offices and general interiors. As they are made from materials like jute, silk and cotton, they are quite easy to maintain too. Our carpets are available at reasonable prices, these products, like other home decor accessories allow you to give any room a makeover without spending a fortune.

Rugs & Carpets

Styler Essence Mirrored Finish

Original price was: ₵33,517.18.Current price is: ₵32,133.02.