Health Supplements



Forever B12 Plus with Folic Acid contains 500micrograms of Vitamin B12 and 400 micrograms of Folic Acid

o Vitamin B12 is named the ā€œred vitaminā€, because it composed of a red crystalline compound. It is the only vitamin that contains an essential mineral- called cobalt.

o Vitamin B12 is required in tinier amount than the other B vitamin. Only 3-4mcg. (micrograms, or thousandths of a milligram) are needed at minimum to prevent deficiency, but it is often taken in doses of 500-1000mcg. per day to relieve fatigue.

o Higher dosage of Vitamin B12 is often used therapeutically since Vitamin B12 is not easily absorbed by the body. There is a low possibility of toxicity in a higher dosage of Vitamin B12.

o Study shown that, no adverse effects has been seen with excess vitamin B12 intake from food and supplements from healthy person.

o Folic Acid is essential for the normal production of red blood cells. Fewer red blood cells are produce when folic acid levels in the body are low.

o Folic Acid supplement are important for pregnant women, to avoid birth defect.

o Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid both plays a big role in the metabolic processes. Vitamin B12 works to reactivate folic acid, when there is a deficiency in Vitamin B12, folic acid deficiency follows.
Forever B12 Plus with folic acid is a time-release formula of vitamin B12 and folic acid, which work together in a number of important metabolic processes. These processes help the body promote everything from normal growth to cell reproduction, from blood formation and protein and tissue synthesis to cardiovascular and mental health, as well as beautiful skin and hair


Original price was: ₵100.00.Current price is: ₵90.00.

Forever B12 Plus in Kumasi | Where to buy Forever B12 Plus in Kumasi. An excellent combination of essential nutrients. Forever B12 Plus combines Vitamin B12 with Folic Acid utilizing a time-release formula to help support metabolic processes, cell division, DNA synthesis, red blood cell production and proper nerve function.

– Helps maintain healthy homocysteine levels

– Supports metabolic processes

– Promotes the function of the nervous system

An excellent combination of essential nutrients, Forever B12 Plus combines Vitamin B12 with Folic Acid utilizing a time-release formula to help support metabolic processes – including cell division, DNA synthesis, red blood cell production and proper nerve function.

Vitamin B12, or Cyanocobalamin, was first discovered in 1948 as a nutritional factor that is vital for red blood cell production. B12 also works with folic acid to maintain healthy homocysteine levels in the body.

Vitamin B12 deficiency also means deficiency in folic acid, which is critical to the fetus during the first three months of pregnancy, also making it beneficial to women wishing to conceive.

Enjoy the benefits of Vitamin B12 and folic acid toBuyher, in a formula exclusively designed to complement the rest of our supplement range!

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Forever B12 Plus In Kumasi
We serve you with all kinds of Forever Living products.
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Order Forever Living products from us (online) and have it Delivered to your House, office or anywhere it may be convenient for you to receive your parcel. Call +233596288395 | 0596288395 or send us a Text on whatsapp number +233596288395 | 0596288395 Now to Make your Purchase. visit our Forever website below to read more about our products and services.


Original price was: ₵450.00.Current price is: ₵380.00.

Health Benefits of Forever Bee Honey
Internal Health Benefits of Forever Bee Honey :
o Can relieve constipation. Its natural fatty acids stimulate peristalsis and help establish regularity. Mix 1 Tbsp of fresh honey, and a juice of half lemon in a glass of lukewarm water, drink first thing in the morning.

o An ideal first aid for burns, wounds and open sores. Apply honey to open wound and let the application remain for several hours. It is claimed that honey is soothing and helps promote better healing.

o Improves the retention of calcium, which is needed for building strong nerves and strong bones.

o Very good for eye health.

o Pure honey contains lecithin which dissolves the cholesterol in the hearts blood vessels. When cholesterol gets thicker, supply of blood to and from the heart becomes limited, resulting in heart attack.

o When taken regularly can help strengthens the white blood cells to fight bacterial and viral diseases.

o Honey in warm milk can give relief to sore throats and cough; it can also give you a good night sleep.

o Help cure allergy.

o Excellent source of quick energy.

o Help relieve stomachache and heal ulcer. Just dilute 2 Tbsp in a glass of water and drink it once or twice a day.

o Help aid weight loss. Mix 1 Tbsp. of honey, 1 tsp. of lemon juice and 1 tsp. of apple cider vinegar to a glass of hot water, drink everyday for maximum effect.

o A daily intake of honey strengthens the immune system in children.


Original price was: ₵120.00.Current price is: ₵110.00.

Forever Bee Honey in Kumasi | Where to buy Forever Bee Honey in Kumasi.
1, Use of Forever honey during pregnancy gives zest of life and energy to the newborn body, and make the baby very hairy.

2, Given Forever honey to children in order to complete daily food intake to enable them Buy all the minerals for necessary development of the mind.

3, Bedwetting, should a child develop bedwetting at night, give it one teaspoons of Forever honey before going to bed.

4, Teething, use of Forever honey when the baby’s teeth begins to appear because it will lessen the pain.

5, Forever honey helps to control the activities of the bowels. when constipated the amouths taken should be increased.

6, Give Forever honey to induce sleep for adults. 2 teaspoons before bed time.

7, Forever honey can be use to alleviate effects of sore throats.

8, Forever honey is used for dressing wounds and for smoothing the facial skin especially by women.

9, The ageing of the human body will be greatly slowed down if Forever honey is taken daily.

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Forever Living products In Kumasi
Forever Bee Honey In Kumasi
We serve you with all kinds of Forever Living products.
Look no further just contact the details below to make your order.

Order Forever Living products from us (online) and have it Delivered to your House, office or anywhere it may be convenient for you to receive your parcel. Call +233596288395 | 0596288395 or send us a Text on whatsapp number +233596288395 | 0596288395 Now to Make your Purchase. visit our Forever website below to read more about our products and services.


Original price was: ₵161.28.Current price is: ₵151.20.
  • All natural
  • Boosts energy
  • May enhance stamina

Pollen is the fertilizing dust found in flowers. Bees gather pollen from flowers and bring it back to their hives to use as a food source. Without pollen, plants, trees and flowers could not exist; even we depend on it. Bee Pollen is readily digestible and easily absorbed by the human body. Research by scientists suggest that Bee Pollen provides energy and may enhance stamina.

Forever Bee PollenĀ® is gathered in specially-designed stainless steel collectors and ensures the freshest and most potent natural food. Forever Bee PollenĀ® is all-natural and contains no preservatives, artificial flavors, or colors.



Bee Pollen helps eliminates fatigue, tiredness and muscular weakness.

Bee Pollen helps control the aging of the genital and urinary system.

Bee Pollen has beneficial effect for the reproductive system (helps prevent dysmenorrhea and helps increase fertility).

Bee Pollen can help preserve the health of the skin.

Bee Pollen is a natural antibiotic that fight against salmonella, typhoid, etc.

Bee Pollen helps regulates blood pressure, strengthens blood vessels and the whole cardiovascular system.

Bee Pollen is beneficial in weight loss, because bee pollen improve metabolism.

Bee Pollen is used by natural health practitioners to relieve arthritis symptoms.

Bee Pollen helps many athletes increase their energy and endurance.

Bee Pollen contains plant sterols which have a hormone balancing effects.

Forever Bee Pollen is gathered in specially-designed stainless steel collectors from the blossoms that blanket remote, high desert regions. This ensures the freshest and potency of this natural product. Forever Bee Pollen is all natural and contains no preservatives, artificial colors or flavors.
Ingredients of Forever Bee Pollen: Bee Pollen 500mg.


Original price was: ₵100.00.Current price is: ₵90.00.

Forever Bee Pollen in Kumasi | Where to buy Forever Bee Pollen In Kumasi. Bee pollen contains many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, making it incredibly healthy. Studies have linked bee pollen and its compounds to Price such as decreased inflammation, as well as improved immunity, menopausal symptoms and wound healing.
Bee pollen, dubbed a ā€˜miracle foodā€™, is a nutritionally-rich substance that provides bees with everything they need to survive. Forever sources its pollen from a pollution-free desert using a patented pollen trap which collects pollen without destroying the colony. This pollen has then been combined with honey and royal jelly to create Forever Bee Pollen, a fresh and potent supplement.

Bee pollen, honey, anti-caking agent (stearic acid, silicon dioxide), royal jelly, Maltodextrin
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Forever Bee Pollen In Kumasi
We serve you with all kinds of Forever Living products.
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Order Forever Living products from us (online) and have it Delivered to your House, office or anywhere it may be convenient for you to receive your parcel. Call +233596288395 | 0596288395 or send us a Text on whatsapp number +233596288395 | 0596288395 Now to Make your Purchase. visit our Forever website below to read more about our products and services.



Prevent respiratory tract infectionsPsymptoms of the common cold

Prevent middle ear infections

Propolis is astoundingly complex and contains as many as 300 active compounds. These components were found to fight cancer in a variety of ways including:
Preventing the growth of new blood vessels to feed cancer cells (anti-angiogenesis)
Preventing the spread or metastasis of cancer from one organ to another
Halting cancer cell division
Inducing apoptosis or programmed cell death
e side effects or toxicity of chemotherapy drugs used in the treatment of cancer.
Anti-Microbial Action

Propolis has a wide range of antibacterial properties. It is also has anti-fungal and anti-viral powers. In one animal study, applying a propolis solution to wounds helped speed healing in diabetic rats.
Treats Parasites
Preliminary trials show propolis may eliminate parasites. In one study people who took propolis had a 52 to 60% success rate in eliminating the parasite giardiasis.
Heals Burns
A 2002 study from the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that propolis may promote the healing of minor burns. The researchers compared a propolis skin cream with silver sulfadiazine, a drug used to treat burns. Study results showed propolis was just as effective as the drug in treating second-degree burns.

Forever Bee Propolis

Original price was: ₵448.50.Current price is: ₵358.80.

Forever Bee PropolisĀ® is a natural supplement made from the material bees create to fortify and protect their hive. This natural substance has also been found to help boost immunity and combat the effects of free radicals.


Forever Bee Propolis (Copy)

Original price was: ₵680.00.Current price is: ₵580.00.

Forever Bee PropolisĀ® is a natural supplement made from the material bees create to fortify and protect their hive. This natural substance has also been found to help boost immunity and combat the effects of free radicals.



Original price was: ₵200.00.Current price is: ₵190.00.

Forever Bee Propolis in Kumasi | Where to buy Forever Bee Propolis In Kumasi. Forever Bee Propolis supports the body’s natural defenses.
When we think of bees, honey and pollen are usually the first things that come to mind. However, there’s another powerful substance that bees play an integral role in, propolis.


Supports the body’s natural defenses
Fortified with Royal Jelly
When we think of bees, honey and pollen are usually the first things that come to mind. However, there’s another powerful substance that bees play an integral role in, propolis. Derived from the Greek meaning ā€œbefore the city,ā€ signifying defense from external threat, propolis is a sticky resin collected by bees. Honeybees collect and metabolize the propolis, then line their hives with it for protection. Itā€™s so effective, the interior of the bee hive has been found to be safer than most operating rooms!

The use of propolis has a 5000-year history. The Assyrians and the Greeks used propolis to help maintain good health. Forever Bee Propolis supports the body’s natural defenses. To assure purity, Forever Bee Propolis is gathered from pollution-free regions using specially designed bee propolis collectors. Forever Bee Propolis is 100% natural with no added preservatives or artificial colors.
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Forever Bee Propolis In Kumasi
We serve you with all kinds of Forever Living products.
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Order Forever Living products from us (online) and have it Delivered to your House, office or anywhere it may be convenient for you to receive your parcel. Call +233596288395 | 0596288395 or send us a Text on whatsapp number +233596288395 | 0596288395 Now to Make your Purchase. visit our Forever website below to read more about our products and services.

Forever C9 Weight Lose Pack

Original price was: ₵1,345.50.Current price is: ₵1,285.70.

It helps to control your appetite by Acting as an appetite suppressant, it contains chromium that controls your sugar level, Aids the cleansing of your Digestive system and detoxification of your body, it helps you to inhibit the production of calories from Fat and carbohydrate and storage of excess fat in your system, so naturally you will loose a very healthy weight and burn all your belly fat within 9 days without any side effects.



Forever Calcium Benefits and Information
Calcium is the major mineral that helps strengthen bones. Children and teenagers especially need adequate calcium in their diets, as the pre-teen and teen years are when they maximize the calcium storage in their bones, thus helping to prevent problems later in life involving a reduction in the amount of bone mass.
This is true because peak bone mass and calcium content of the skeleton is reached during the teen years. Teen especially, especially girls are a greater risk for developing weakened bones and having disabling injuries later in life.
Boneā€™s calcium begins to decrease in young adulthood, and progressive loss of bone calcium occurs as we age, particularly in women. Adequate dietary calcium can help minimize this loss.
A diet high in calcium appears to encourage the body to burn more fat and cuts the amount of new fat laid down by the body. For people who either cannot tolerate any lactose or do not like dairy products, Calcium supplements may be an option. The most effective is Calcium Citrate, because it dissolves easily in the stomach and is absorbed efficiently.
Other Benefits of Forever Calcium:
o The body for a normal blood circulation and nerve function needs a stable level of Calcium.
o Calcium is needed for muscles to function and to release hormones, including insulin.
o Calcium cannot be absorbed without vitamin D. It is best absorbed when taken with food.


Original price was: ₵160.00.Current price is: ₵150.00.

Forever Calcium in Kumasi | Where to buy Forever Calcium in Kumasi. Provides the clinically proven quantities of Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Manganese, Copper and the Vitamins C & D to help maintain proper bone structure and function.
Foreverā€™s new form of calcium, Di-Calcium malate, is most effective at promoting optimum bone building since it stays in the blood stream longer and does not interfere with the natural pH balance in the stomach.
Provides Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Manganese, Copper and the Vitamins C & D
Ensure maximum absorption and bioavailability
Science has shown that as we age our ability to absorb calcium reduces. In fact some reports indicate that our ability to absorb calcium from our diet declines by 60% from childhood to adulthood. What can you do to promote healthy bones and teeth? Forever Calcium provides the clinically proven quantities of Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Manganese, Copper and the Vitamins C & D to help maintain proper bone structure and function.

You depend on the strength of your body every day, and it starts from the inside out. Foreverā€™s new form of calcium, Di-Calcium malate, is most effective at promoting optimum bone building since it stays in the blood stream longer and does not interfere with the natural pH balance in the stomach. Additionally, our proprietary mineral blend is smaller and more absorbable than our previous formula.

Forever Calcium uses superior forms of calcium and other patented high performance minerals to ensure maximum absorption and bioavailability. To combat our declining ability to absorb calcium as we age, a comprehensive supplement is vital to help protect against bone loss. Forever Calcium can help you feel assured that you are relying on the highest quality ingredients to support your health.

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Forever Living products In Kumasi
Forever Calcium In Kumasi
We serve you with all kinds of Forever Living products.
Look no further just contact the details below to make your order.

Order Forever Living products from us (online) and have it Delivered to your House, office or anywhere it may be convenient for you to receive your parcel. Call +233596288395 | 0596288395 or send us a Text on whatsapp number +233596288395 | 0596288395 Now to Make your Purchase. visit our Forever website below to read more about our products and services.

Forever Cardiac Detox Pack

Original price was: ₵845.00.Current price is: ₵754.00.

This Forever Cardiac Detox Pack helps regulate and normalize blood pressure and contains nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a molecule that helps blood vessels relax and open wide for greater blood flow. It helps prevent hardening of the arteries and supports a healthy heart and blood vessels as well! This incredible product also helps to cleanse and detoxify the body from chemicals.


Forever Cardio Health

Original price was: ₵600.00.Current price is: ₵550.00.

Promote heart health and circulation with Forever CardioHeathĀ® with CoQ10. What types of nutrients are we talking? CoQ10 is a co-enzyme produced by the body that is shown to help support healthy heart function. Levels of this important antioxidant decrease as we age, which is why itā€™s important to take on a supplement that keeps CoQ10 balanced.

Weā€™ve also combined this powerhouse co-enzyme with B vitamins to create the ultimate heart health supplement. B vitamins support healthy homocysteine levels. Keeping homocysteine levels in check helps support healthy blood vessel function.Itā€™s designed for mixing with Forever Aloe Vera GelĀ® to help ensure that the bounty of nutrients contained in this innovative formula are more readily absorbed.


Forever Clean9 Weight Lose Pack


Forever Clean9 Weight Lose Pack helps to control your appetite by Acting as an appetite suppressant, it contains chromium that controls your sugar level, Aids the cleansing of your Digestive system and detoxification of your body, it helps you to inhibit the production of calories from Fat and carbohydrate and storage of excess fat in your system, so naturally you will loose a very healthy weight and burn all your belly fat within 9 days without any side effects.




This powerful daily multivitamin delivers 100% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of essential vitamins and bio-available minerals and nutrients. Forever Daily combines fifty-five perfectly balanced aloe-coated nutrients including vitamins A, C, D and B12, iron, calcium and zinc. Take with the Forever Aloe Vera Gel for best results.

Forever Daily is a food supplement which provides the nutrients needed to promote long term health and wellness.
Introducing Forever Daily food supplement by Forever Living – the product is designed to fit around your diet and provide you with the necessary nutrients which are needed to sustain a healthy lifestyle. The product aims to;
Improve cognitive function and concentration
Improve your metabolism
Improve cardiovascular health and promote bone growth
Provide a balanced source of vitamins and nutrition