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Shop Nasco 1.5hp Split Air Conditioner NASRHN1-18

Original price was: ₵9,025.76.Current price is: ₵8,395.91.


White Panel Design
Inverter Compressor: Yes
Copper Compressor: Yes
Optimal Single Blade: Yes
Air Direction Control (Up/Down): Auto
Air Direction Control (Left/Right): Auto
Allergy Care: Yes
Anti-Bacteria: Yes
Auto Clean (Self Cleaning): Yes
Filter Cleaning Indicator: Yes
Indoor Temp. Display: Yes
Display On/Off: Yes
Beep On/Off: Yes
24-Hour Timer: Yes
Auto Changeover: Yes
Auto Restart: Yes
Turbo Mode: Yes
Good Sleep: Yes
Dehumidification: Yes
Fan Mode: Yes
Quiet: Yes

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